dinsdag 16 april 2013

water - day 126

Water is so important for your body! You have to drink 1.5 L a day. I drink lot's of water, accualy I only drink water, tea and sometimes coffee. So that means that I never drink any soda's, which contains a lot of sucar. I drink every day at least 2 L water.

Did you know that you can lose weight by just drinking water? When you drink between 2 and 4 L water a day you lose extra calories. You must not drink more than 4 L, that is actually not healthy anymore.

- When you drink water throughout the day, you get less thirsty. This ensures that your other drinks will get slower. This is beneficial when you want to lose weight, because, for example soda contains quite a lot of calories.
- When you are thirsty, your body may interpret this as hunger. By drinking enough water you get less thirsty and it is less likely that your body creates a feeling of hunger, while you are not even really hungry.
- The liquid in your body also makes sure that you constantly have a fuller sense than usual. This will make you have less desire to eat.
- Water makes that your body keeps burning body fat. Water helps convert food into energy, but also helps to keep your body fat to convert into energy. So you can lose body weight.
♥ - stay fearless x Marloes

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  1. Hi! If you’re reading this, it’s because you are following my old blog, Creepers & Cats. Once that blog is not open anymore, I decided to warn everyone. So, if you’re interested in following me, this is my new blog:
    It will be a pleasure to follow you back!
