zondag 24 maart 2013

Vitamin pills - Day 103

There are a lot of different vitamin pills, for vitamins like A,B,C,D,E and K. But do we really need them? I think that they are unnecessary, in most of the cases you don't even know what's exactly in it. While you can get all the vitamins on a natrual way. Here is a list of vitamins and how you can get them.

Vitamin A
Cheese, milk, butter, (beef) liver

Vitamin B1
(Pig) meat, whole grain bread, brown rice, milk, potatoes

Vitamin B2
Nuts, milk, egg, broccoli

Vitamin B3
Nuts, meatball, codfish, peanut butter, whole grain bread

Vitamin B5
Egg, milk, beef, potatoes, herring

Vitamin B6
Banana, (pig) meat, potatoes, nuts, whole grain bread

Vitamin B11
Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, egg, whole grain bread

Vitamin B12
Codfish, burger, quark, egg, cheese

Vitamin C
Brussels sprouts, kiwi, oranges, broccoli, potatoes

Vitamin D
Mackerel, salmon, herring, egg, margarine, meatball

Vitamin E
Sunflower oil, nuts, eggs, margarine, peanut butter

Vitamin K
Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, beef, margarine, olive oil

This is what the vitamines do to your body:

Vitamin A
Positive if your body gets enough vitamin A:
Health of all body cell
Structure of capillaries
Structure of skin, hair and gums
A good eye sight
Physical growth
Physical resistance

Vitamin B
Positive if your body gets enough vitamin B:
Cellular metabolism
Health of skin, hair and eyes
Nervous system
Conversion of fructose into energy
Oxygen transport in the blood
Reduction of withdrawal symptoms (eg by smoking)
Reduction of rheumatism and migraine symptoms
Resistance to infections
Reducing the risk of allergies
Prevention of low blood sugar
Positive effect against dementia
Increased energy and vitality
Responsible for the production of blood
Prevention of wrinkles
Maintaining the cholesterol level
Oxygen supply to muscles and brains
Creation of anti-stress hormones
Reduction of the risk of different types of cancer

Vitamin C
Positive if your body gets enough vitamin C:
Reduced resistance
Bruising and bruises
Muscle pain
Extreme fatigue
Weight loss and decreased appetite
Pain in the bones and joints
Impaired wound healing
Bleeding Gums
Internal bleeding
Loose teeth
Sudden death
Did you know all of this?
You can never eat all these product on one day. And that is not the intention, but you can try to choose as much product as meal from the list above as possible.
♥ - stay fearless x Marloes

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